Born & raised in Kingston, Alex is the youngest child of a Military family. Alex attended full bilingual school locally from kindergarten all the way to high school graduation and is fluent in both French & English. Unsure of what direction to take next, Alex had a short stint in Regina, Saskatchewan where his mother resides working for a family friend who owned a fine dining restaurant. After working as a server for several months, Alex found himself inspired by some of the more successful individuals he was around such as the owner, his step father and a particular patron who frequented the restaurant regularly. Eager to start a career in business yet unsure of which direction to take, Alex decided to return home to Ontario and take up Business Fundamentals at St-Lawrence College. Shortly into his schooling, it was made apparent by faculty that Marketing was his strength, so he furthered his education in Business Administration – Marketing. During his tenure at St-Lawrence College, Alex worked a position in Computer Sales in Kingston’s Downtown Core. Towards the end of his schooling, Alex landed himself an internship with The Krishan Nathan Group. He was offered a full-time position and has been fully immersed in the world of Real Estate working along side of Krishan for the last 5 years. Alex has also invested further in his Real Estate career by means of the Real Estate Sales Program at Humber College to increase his capacity for contribution on the team as a REALTOR®.